Champions of Imaging 3.0 Case Studies

Update: Due to the COVID-19 pandemic, the 2020 Imaging 3.0 Champions initiative is postponed until 2021. While we are still accepting projects and questions, please check back in September 2020 for revised registration and submission dates.

2021 Topic: Improving care via evidence-based imaging and CDS

Estimates of low-value imaging performed in the United States range from 20-30%. Following evidence-based guidelines to order imaging exams — as demonstrated by the Imaging 3.0 Champions case studies — is one way to help ensure patients receive imaging that adds value to their care.

Ordering imaging exams based on evidence is especially pertinent during 2020 as radiologists work with referring providers during the education and testing period of the Medicare Appropriate Use Criteria (AUC) Program that requires referring providers to consult evidence-based guidelines via a qualified clinical decision support mechanism (CDSM) for advanced imaging.

Evidence-Based Care

Case studies demonstrating a wide range of strategies used to promote adherence to evidence-based care — build upon or adapt one these ideas.

Ahead of the Curve
Early adopters of CDS at Einstein Healthcare Network deliver more appropriate imaging and help ordering physicians prepare for PAMA’s impact on reimbursement.

Alert Focus
Texas physicians at Parkland Health and Hospital System in Dallas create EHR pop-up alert system to improve care for patients with deep vein thrombosis.

Dose Control
Radiologists at Lakeland Health in St. Joseph, Mich., implement a radiation safety program to encourage referring clinicians to order fewer CT scans for at-risk patients.

Order and Unity
University of Texas Southwestern Medical Center organizes a radiology utilization conference to educate non-radiology clinical staff on appropriate image ordering procedures.

Narrowing Down Nodules
Greensboro Radiology realizes improved thyroid nodule management with ACR TI-RADS and reduces unnecessary biopsies.

“We did not anticipate the bolstering of relationships and mutual respect we spawned from a face-to-face meeting with our clinical referrers while sharing information on appropriate use criteria.”

Christie M. Malayil Lincoln, MD
Baylor College of Medicine
2017 Imaging 3.0 Champion

“This is your opportunity to share in experiences of leading change in radiology practice and gain insight into how others have been successful in reducing low-value care.”

Melissa M. Chen, MD
MD Anderson Cancer Center
2017 Imaging 3.0 Champion

White Paper Guidelines

A case study demonstrates how adherence to white paper guidelines reduced inappropriate follow up recommendations — consider a project based on the ACR RADs or other white paper recommendations.

Shaping Change From Within
Carle Foundation Hospital’s radiology group reduced inappropriate follow-up imaging by nearly 55 percent for patients with ovarian masses.

Collaboration with Referring Providers

Case studies demonstrating collaboration with referring providers to improve evidence-based care using the R-SCAN tools and resources — use R-SCAN™ or other innovative strategies for a project to promote improved communication around value-based care

Championing CDS
Using ACR’s new CDS R-SCAN Registry interactive report, New York City’s Jamaica Hospital significantly improves high-value CT imaging in the ED.

Engaging the Physician
Baylor College of Medicine radiologists collaborate with family medicine clinics to enhance imaging appropriateness of lumbar spine orders.

Partners in Quality
Radiologists and ED physicians affiliated with Main Line Health achieve a 45 percent improvement in appropriate CT ordering for PE.

Backed by Guidance
Hershey Medical Center’s R-SCAN project decreases inappropriate low back pain imaging and utilization in the emergency department.

Homing in on Quality
Asheville Radiology Associates in rural western North Carolina are strengthening their relationships with local physicians and reducing inappropriate imaging via R-SCAN.

The Benefits of Collaboration
Baylor College of Medicine radiologists and emergency department physicians collaborate on an R-SCAN project — successfully reducing unnecessary imaging by 52 percent.

Ordering Done Right
A nurse practitioner affiliated with the Veterans Affairs Health System in Indiana uses R-SCAN as an educational tool to improve nuclear stress test ordering by 27 percent.