AIRP Courses Outside the USA

AIRP faculty travel the world to teach condensed radiologic pathology correlation courses to residents and practicing radiologists who cannot attend the four-week course in the United States. These courses provide attendees with a comprehensive overview of radiologic pathology.

Generally, AIRP lectures are added to the program of an existing meeting or conference and cover subspecialties and topics agreed upon by conference organizers and AIRP faculty. The addition of AIRP faculty and rad-path correlation lectures adds a new and unique learning experience for radiologists and technologists.

AIRP courses will be held in conjunction with the following international societies in 2024 and 2025:

Non-U.S. Course Calendar

Sociedad Argentina de Radiologia (SAR)/Federacion Argentina de Asociaciones de Radiologia, Diagnostico por Imagenes (FAARDIT)
Buenos Aires, Argentina
September 26-28, 2024
Course Organizers: Dr. Daniel Mysler (Argentina) and Dr. Mark D. Murphey (USA)

Journées Françaises de Radiologie (JFR) and Société Française de Radiologie (SFR)
Paris, France
October 4-7, 2024
Course Organizers : Prof. Eric De Kerviler (France), and Dr. Mark D. Murphey (USA)

Sociedade Portuguesa de Radiologia e Medicina Nuclear (SPRMN)
Porto, Portugal
October 10-13, 2024
Course Organizers: Dr. Luis Curvo Semedo (Portugal) and Dr. Mark D. Murphey (USA)
Logo for the Sociedad Española de Diagnóstico por Imagen del Abdomen
Sociedad Española de Diagnóstico por Imagen del Abdomen (SERAM)
Madrid, Spain
January 23-24, 2025
Course Organizers: Dr. Josep Munuera (Spain); Dr. Mark Murphey (USA)

European Society of Radiology and European Congress of Radiology (ESR)
Vienna, Austria
February 26-March 2, 2025
AIRP representative: Mr. Don Hatley
Association of Academic Radiology (AAR) Logo
Association of Academic Radiology (AAR)
LA, California
March 11-14, 2025
AIRP representative: Mr. Don Hatley 
  Canadian Association of Radiologists (CAR) 
Montréal, Canada
April 3-6, 2025
Course Organizers: Dr. Michael Patlas (CAR) Dr. Mark D. Murphey (USA)
  Hong Kong College of Radiologists (HKCR) 
Hong Kong
April 11-13, 2025
Course Organizers: Drs. William WL Poon and Lilian Leong (Hong Kong), Dr. Mark D. Murphey (USA) 
Sociedade Paulista de Radiologia e Diagnóstico por Imagem/Jornada Paulista de Radiologia (SPR/JPR)
April 30-May 3, 2025
Course Organizers: Drs. Antonio Rocha, Cesar Nomura, Tufik Bauab, and Dr. Mark Murphey
  Asociacion Colombiana de Radiologia (ACR) 
Cartagena, Colombia
May 15-17, 2025
Course Organizers: Dr. Micaela Arrieta (Colombia), Mark D. Murphey (USA)
  Verein zur Förderung der internationalen Fortbildung und Zusammenarbeit in der Radiologie  (RadPath - Vienna)
Vienna, Austria
June 3-6, 2025
Course Organizers: Drs. Widmann, Novotny and Ubl (Austria); Dr. Mark D. Murphey (USA)
Curso de Atualizacao em Imagem da SPR - Prof Feres Secaf organized by the Radiological and Diagnostic Imaging Society of Sao Paulo 
Sao Paulo, Brazil
August 2025
Course Organizers: Dr. Mauro Brandao, Dr. Antonio Rocha, and Dr. Gustavo Kalaf (Brazil); Dr. Mark D. Murphey (USA)

Radiological Society of Saudi Arabia (RSSA)
Jeddah, Saudi Arabia
October 2025
Course Organizers: Dr. Arwa Badeeb (Saudi Arabia), Dr. Mark D. Murphey (USA)
Taiwan Radiological Society (TRS)
Taipei, Taiwan
October 2025
Course Organizers: Drs. Hong-Jen Chiou, Shu-Huei Shen (Taiwan), Dr. Mark D. Murphey (USA)

The Royal Australian and New Zealand College of Radiologists (RANZCR)
Sydney, Australia
TBD 2025
Course Organizers: Dr. John Slavotinek (Australia), Dr. Mark D. Murphey (USA)