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Sample Sidebar Quote

—Bulletin Author
August 24, 2020

Adding two different images in the catalog: Can we have them for the same product? Can only have one image for the product out of the box in the detail page.

Don’t need to keep a smaller thumbnail of the main image like we currently have in personify.

Save for Later functionality is not out of the box so would need to be a customization for a phase 2. This doesn’t need to go live.

Keep banner with link for people to become members when they’re checking out if they’re not already members? Should that be a go live item? Membership needs to weigh in on this.

Can we do e-checks? No.

Cross-selling products: Need to talk to product owners and marketing managers to find out what products need to be cross-sold. Need to demo how that functionality will work out of the box.

This is a sample bulletin quote.

—Bulletin Writer

Adding two different images in the catalog: Can we have them for the same product? Can only have one image for the product out of the box in the detail page.

Don’t need to keep a smaller thumbnail of the main image like we currently have in personify.

Save for Later functionality is not out of the box so would need to be a customization for a phase 2. This doesn’t need to go live.

Keep banner with link for people to become members when they’re checking out if they’re not already members? Should that be a go live item? Membership needs to weigh in on this.

Can we do e-checks? No.

Cross-selling products: Need to talk to product owners and marketing managers to find out what products need to be cross-sold. Need to demo how that functionality will work out of the box.


1. Enter endnotes here... 2004:1(3)199–203. Available at

Author Bulletin Author  Freelance Writer, ACR Press