October 19, 2021

JACR Resident Highlights — October 2021

Effect of Independent Resident Night Call Versus 24-7 Attending Radiologist Coverage on Subsequent Practice Performance
Authors discuss the changes to radiologist performance after training with after-hours radiologist coverage rather than independent interpretation.

Implementing Patient and Provider Feedback Into Radiology Reports
This article describes the initial results of multi-institutional implementation of patient and provider feedback for radiology reports by embedding surveys into electronic medical records.

Gaps in Breast Cancer Screening Among Asian and Asian-American Women
Authors analyze the disparities that have resulted in increased breast cancer burden for Asian and Asian-American women in the United States.

Opportunistic Screening of Patients for Hepatic Steatosis: Clinical Follow-Up and Diagnostic Yield
This article explores clinical response and diagnostic yield after the incidental diagnosis of hepatic steatosis on CT and ultrasound.