August 10, 2020

JACR Resident Highlights - August

The Relationship Between US Medical Licensing Examination Step Scores and ABR Core Examination Outcome and Performance: A Multi-institutional Study
In this article, the authors analyze the relationship between performance on the USMLE exams and the Core exam, and how radiology residents can be risk stratified to improve their chances of success during residency.

Data Science and Radiologic Practice | Patient Perspectives and Priorities Regarding Artificial Intelligence in Radiology: Opportunities for Patient-Centered Radiology

There’s a lot of hype among radiologists and computer programmers when it comes to advancements in AI and its application to radiology. This article focuses on patients’ perceptions and sentiment toward AI in radiology.

Special Report | How Radiologists Are Paid: An Economic History, Part III: The Bubble Years
In part III of a four-article series, the authors take us back to “The Bubble Years” where there was a boom in CT and MRI utilization and CMS was starting to adapt to the new level of efficiency brought about by advancements in PACS and DICOM.