December 08, 2022

State Radiological Chapters Can Still Apply for an Emergency ACRA Scope of Practice Grant

In 2021, The American College of Radiology Association® (ACRA®) established the Scope of Practice (SOP) Fund to safeguard patients and patient access to radiologist expertise by fighting state non-physician SOP expansion legislation. The deadline for regular grant applications has passed, but emergency state scope of practice fund requests are still being accepted. If a state radiological society would like to apply for an emergency grant, they need to submit the normal grant application and include a one-page written statement detailing the urgent nature of the request.

In advance of state legislatures meeting in 2023, the American College of Radiology® (ACR®) has updated its scope of practice micro-website, which features a wide variety of resources for state chapters, including:

  • State scope of practice legislation tracked by ACR.
  • Educational requirements of a radiologist and the value of physician-led care.
  • ACR communications and sign-on letters.

More information about applying for an ACRA scope of practice grant is available online. For questions, please contact Eugenia Brandt, ACR Senior Government Affairs Director, or Dillon Harp, ACR Senior State Government Relations Specialist.