Define-AI Directory
Explore an industry-leading array of detailed use cases for leveraging the latest artificial intelligence (AI) tools and resources in medical imaging and radiology.

For AI Developers
Use the directory to inform your work and produce algorithms that are clinically relevant, ethical and effective.

For Radiologists
Use the directory to ensure your AI tools can be efficiently implemented and have the potential to improve quality and efficiency of care.

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The Define-AI Directory empowers you to improve the quality of care across radiology and its subspecialties with cutting-edge machine learning tools that streamline diagnosis, analysis and learning.
Each use case provides narrative descriptions and flow charts which specify the healthcare goal of the algorithm, the required clinical input, how the algorithm should integrate into the clinical workflow and how it will interface with users and tools.
Access the Define-AI Directory
Organized by subspeciality and category, find the full library of interpretive and non-interpretive case studies below.
Image Interpretive
Find the full directory of image interpretive use cases organized by subspecialty.
Abdominal Imaging Case Studies
Gain visibility into a rich array of case studies focused on chest CTs, colonography and other applications of imaging to abdominal regions.
- Acute Appendicitis
- Cholecystitis on CT
- Cholecystitis on US
- Colon Polyp Detection
- Choledocholithiasis Detection on Ultrasound
- Choledocholithiasis Detection on CT
- Choledocholithiasis detection on MRCP
- Dermoid Cyst Detection on CT
- Detection of Retained Surgical Foreign Body
- Diverticulitis Detection
- Hepatic Volumes
- Identifying Small Bowel Obstruction
- Identifying Small Bowel Obstruction Fluoroscopy
- Kidney Stone Detection on CT
- Kidney Stone Detection on Ultrasound
- No Prep CT Colonography
- Pancreatic Cyst (<1.5 cm) Detection on CT
- Pancreatic Cyst (1.5-2.5 cm) Detection with Recommendations for Management on CT
- Pancreatic Cyst (>2.5 cm) Detection with Recommendations for Management on CT
- Pancreatic Cyst (patients 80 years old and greater) Detection with Recommendations for Management on CT
Prostate Imaging Case Studies
Learn from top experts on the use of multiparametric MRI as a diagnostic tool for prostate conditions.
Breast Imaging Case Studies
Stay up to date on the most recent applications of AI for mammograms and related imaging procedures.
- Breast Cancer Risk Assessment
- Breast Density
- Breast Lesion Malignancy Evaluation
- Calcification morphology and follow-up
- Classifying High-Risk Lesions (FEA)
- Classifying High-Risk Lesions (LN)
- Classifying Suspicious Microcalcifications
- Malignancy of breast lesions on diffusion weighted images
- Mammography Skin Markers
- Molecular Breast Imaging
Cardiac Imaging Case Studies
Explore the leading edge of cardiac imaging enhanced by machine learning tools.
- Acute Aortic Syndrome
- Aortic Diameter Measurements
- Aortic Valve Analysis
- Ascending Aortic Diameter
- Automated Evaluation of Pulmonary Trunk and Artery Dimension
- Calcium Scoring of the aortic valve before TAVR
- Cardiac Output
- Cardiomegaly
- Cardiothoracic Ratio
- Carina Angle Measurement
- Coronary Calcium Detection
- Coronary CTA
- Coronary Flow Reserve on PET
- Detection of pulmonary nodules in CCTA acquisition
- Evaluations of Cardiac Amyloid
- Flow in Ascending Aorta
- Flow in Pulmonary Artery
- Hematocrit estimation for myocardial ECV
- Left Atrial Enlargement
- Left Atrial Size
- Left Ventricle Late Gadolinium Enhancement Assessment for MR
- Left Ventricle Myocardial Mass
- Left Ventricle T1 Mapping Quantification
- Left Ventricle T2 Mapping Quantification
- Left Ventricle Volume
- Left Ventricle Wall Motion
- Left Ventricle Wall Thickening
- Left Ventricle Wall Thickness Measurement
- Myocardial Iron Quantification
- Myocardial Perfusion Quantification for CT
- Pulmonary Artery Diameter
- Pulmonary Artery to Aortic Diameter Ratio
- Pulmonary to Systemic Flow Ratio
- Pulmonary Veins Mapping Preablation Planning for CT
- Quantification of Epicardial Adipose Tissue on CT
- TAVR Abdomen and Pelvis Access
- TAVR Aortic Root Measurements
- Volumetric Quantification of Pericardial Effusion on CCTA
Interventional Radiology Case Studies
See how AI-enhanced imaging can support interventional radiologists.
Musculoskeletal Imaging Case Studies
Review the uses of AI in musculoskeletal imaging, including nuanced detection methods that help push the field forward.
- Accessory Muscles Causing Neurovascular Compromise
- Automated Insall-Salvatti ratio
- Automated leg length discrepancy assessment on CT
- Automated leg length discrepancy assessment on Radiograph
- Automated Measurements of Foramina on CT
- Automated Measurements of Lumbar Spinal Canal on CT
- Buckle fracture of the distal radius on pediatric wrist radiograph
- Cervical Rib Detection on CT
- Cervical Rib Detection on MRI
- Cervical Rib Detection on X-Ray
- Chondral Bone Lesion Characterization
- Femoro-acetabular impingement (alpha angle)- CT
- Femoro-acetabular impingement (alpha angle)- MRI
- Genu varus and valgus Quantification
- Hip Osteolysis
- Hip Subsidence
- Ischiofemoral impingement
- Ligamentum Teres Injury Detection
- Lipohemarthrosis of the knee
- Multiple Myeloma Evaluation on Total Body CT
Neurology Case Studies
Learn about recent progress in MRI, CT and other imaging methods for neurological diseases and injuries.
- Aging Brain - Dementia
- ASPECT Score Calculation for Acute Infarction
- Auto-Detection of Cerebral Aneurysms on CTA
- Compression fracture detection
- Cord Compression
- Cranial Vessels Dissection Detection
- CSF Flow Quantification
- Detection of acute infarct on DWI images
- Detection of Communicating Hydrocephalus
- Epidural hematoma
- Focal Cortical Dysplasia
- Glioma and other primary CNS neoplasms
- Hemorrhagic Brain Contusion
- Identifying Non-Enhancing Infiltrative Tumor in High Grade Glioma
- Lesion Detection on Diffusion Weighted Imaging
- Midline Shift
- Motor Cortex Quantitative Susceptibility Mapping
- Quantifying Carotid Stenosis on CTA
- Reduce MS surveillance MRI scan time
- Subarachnoid hemorrhage
Oncology Case Studies
See where and when AI-supported detection methods might be suitable for your patients or practice.
Pediatric Case Studies
Explore applications of AI-powered medical imaging for younger patients.
- Craniosynostosis
- Detect injuries correlated with child abuse: metaphyseal fractures
- Detect injuries correlated with child abuse: posterior rib fractures
- Detection of the View of Foot Radiographs
- Detection of Weight-Bearing Foot Radiographs
- Leg Length Discrepancy
- Pneumotosis plain film neonate
- Pediatric Hip US - relatively simple classification scheme
- Radiographic Evaluation of Congenital and Acquired Foot Deformities: Calcaneal Pitch
- Radiographic Evaluation of Congenital and Acquired Foot Deformities: First MTP Angle
- Radiographic Evaluation of Congenital and Acquired Foot Deformities: Intermetatarsal Angle
- Radiographic Evaluation of Congenital and Acquired Foot Deformities: Talo-Calcaneal Angles
- Radiographic Evaluation of Congenital and Acquired Foot Deformities: Talo-First MT Axis
- Radiographic Evaluation of Congenital and Acquired Foot Deformities: Talo-Navicular Axis
- Radiographic Evaluation of Congenital and Acquired Foot Deformities: Tibial-Calcaneal Angle
- Radiographic Evaluation of Congenital and Acquired Foot Deformities: Meary's Angle
- Scoliosis
- Shunt Detector
Thoracic Imaging Case Studies
Read about ways AI can contribute to the diagnosis of pneumonia, COVID-19, tuberculosis, lung cancer and more.
Find the full directory of non-interpretive case studies below.
Business Facing
- Automated Follow-up Program
- Catering Radiologist Reports to the Reader
- Computerized auto-coding of reports with real-time dictation feedback
- Dashboard
- Intelligent routing of exams for optimal performance
- Patient Utilization of Data
- Predict Patient No-Shows For Radiology Appointments
- Predicting Volume to Optimize Staffing
- Reconciling discrepancies between payments from insurance to contracted rates
Patient Facing
- Better track and ensure Radiologist recommendations are followed up for Head CT
- Chatbot to answer radiology-based procedure patient questions (breast imaging)
- Computer aided translation of radiology reports (thyroid ultrasound) to lay person
- Computer aided translation of radiology reports to lay person- for a CT without iv contrast
- Ensure Patient Follow-Up of Radiology Report Recommendations
- Ensure Referring Clinician Reads the Radiology Report
- Improve information content and delivery to patient regarding when scheduling mammography
- Information Delivery on Incidental Findings (Pulmonary Nodules)
- Optimize Scheduling of radiology and clinical appointment for people with multiple chronic conditions
- Produce multimedia reports that are easier to understand