Members gain camaraderie and share solutions to common radiology challenges at meetings and events.
ACR Chapters
Get Involved withYour ACR Chapter
American College of Radiology® (ACR®) chapters play a vital role by offering ACR members the chance to participate in local meetings, connect with fellow radiologists and advocate for radiology at the grassroots level. Members can also influence national ACR policies and procedures through the ACR Council and contribute to the development of ACR Practice Parameters and Technical Guidelines. The College's 54 chapters encompass all 50 states, the District of Columbia, Puerto Rico, Canada and the Council of Affiliated Regional Radiation Oncology Societies.

Connecting for Success: Benefits of Joining ACR and Its Local Chapters
The ACR emphasizes grassroots involvement, requiring members to join their state chapters. Chapter membership offers several key benefits:
Chapters have representation in the ACR Council, allowing members to voice local needs and influence national radiology policy during the annual meeting.
Chapters represent members' interests in state and local government, impacting legislation and regulations.
Chapters provide timely educational programs tailored to local needs, often offering CME credits.
Members can engage in volunteer roles and leadership positions within the chapter and ACR committees.
Chapters facilitate input into reimbursement matters through connections with local Carrier Advisory Committees.
Resources for ACR Chapters
Access valuable resources to support chapter management and membership efforts.

Celebrating Excellence: Chapter Awards and Grant Opportunities
The ACR proudly honors the exceptional contributions of our chapters, celebrating their successes and innovative ideas that make a meaningful impact on the radiology community.

ACR CME Information
The ACR Continuing Medical Education Credit (CME) Program is an online process by which chapters apply to have activities/events certified for CME.
Applications for CME credit should be submitted at least six months prior to the activity. The links below provide additional information regarding the application process:
- Outline of CME Application Process, Activity Planning Form and Planning Committee Template
- Webinar outlining the revised ACR CME Program
- ACR: ACCME New Standards Training (Passcode Required: 47BSfz$P)
- Slide Deck: Standards for Integrity and Independence in Accredited CE
- Contact Maddy Gerhart for questions
ACR Chapters
California Radiological Society
Canadian Association of Radiologists
Council of Affiliated Oncology Societies (CARROS)
Radiological Society of Connecticut
DC Metropolitan Radiological Society
Radiological Society of Louisiana
Massachusetts Radiological Society
Minnesota Radiological Society
New Hampshire Radiological Society
Radiological Society of New Jersey
New Mexico Society of Radiologists
New York State Radiological Society
North Carolina Radiological Society
North Dakota Radiological Society
Oklahoma State Radiological Society
Pennsylvania Radiological Society
Puerto Rico Radiological Society
Rhode Island Radiological Society
South Carolina Radiological Society
South Dakota Radiological Society
Tennessee Radiological Society
Washington State Radiological Society
West Virginia Radiological Society
Contact Us
For questions or to update your chapter webpage
800-227-5463 x4682
Katie Kuhn, Director, Member Engagement
800- 227-5463, ext. 5785
Lauren Williams, Member Services Specialist,
Chapters & Sections
Joan Lynch, Member Services Specialist
Chapters & Sections
703-648-8900 x1655
Julie Huxsoll and Donna Day
Britney Lindgren, Member Services Representative
Chapters & Sections
Donna Day, Sr. Member Services Representative
Chapters & Sections
Council Services
Amy L. Kotsenas, MD, FACR, Chair
Trina Behbahani, CAE, Senior Director of Governance & Member Services
800-227-5463, x4998
Evelyn Anthony, MD, FACR, Chair
Catherine Jones, Team Lead, Chapters and Sections, Member Engagement
800-227-5462 x5480
Trina Behbahani, CAE, Senior Director of Governance & Member Services
800-227-5463, ext. 4998
Government Relations and Economics and Health Policy
Joshua Cooper, Vice President
800-227-5463, ext. 4308
Angela Kim, Senior Director
800-227-5463, x4556
Eugenia Brandt, Sr. Government Relations Director
Ted Burnes, Senior Director, RADPAC & Political Education
800-227-5463, x4949