State Issues
The American College of Radiology® (ACR®) takes a proactive approach to legislative and regulatory trends across the country and assists chapters with state-level legislative and regulatory initiatives.
ACR staff monitors hundreds of radiology-related bills introduced in state legislatures each year. Issues we track include scope of practice, prior authorization, workforce shortages, teleradiology licensing and practice requirements, certificate of need laws, reimbursement issues, AI in radiology and medical liability reform.
ACR Members are encouraged to reach out to Eugenia Brandt, ACR Senior Government Affairs Director and Dillon Harp, ACR Senior Government Relations Specialist with state questions.
ACR State Legislative Tracking Map
Stay on top of state legislative developments relevant to radiology. Access state legislation tracked by the College.

Issues and Resources
Scope of Practice
Proper supervision and interpretation of imaging exams by highly-trained radiologist physicians is critical to the accurate diagnosis and treatment of disease, injury and illness. ACR works with our state chapters to advocate at the legislative, regulatory and administrative levels for clear, sensible definition of scope for allied health professionals.
What ACR Is DoingState Advocacy Resources
Participating in advocacy activities can seem a bit confusing, especially to newcomers. To learn about the many facets of grassroots advocacy, and to utilize the plethora of web-based information on state-related issues, check out the following.
RADVOCACY siteACR State Government Relations Committee
The ACR State Government Relations Committee meets regularly to evaluate state legislative and regulatory proposals and actions. For more information about how to participate as a ‘guest caller’ on one of the committee calls
10 Tips for Lobbying State Legislatures
While there are many strategies that chapters and their members can utilize to successfully lobby on behalf of radiology, this top 10 listing illustrates some of the most important things to keep in mind.