How to Cite the ACR Practice Parameters and Technical Standards

We suggest the following format when citing the ACR Practice Parameters and Technical Standards:

Once you have selected the Practice Parameter or Technical Standard, locate the title, authors, and URL.

  1. If citing a specific Practice Parameter or Technical Standard: American College of Radiology. Title. Available at <URL>. Accessed <DATE>.

    Example: American College of Radiology. ACR–SPR–SSR practice parameter for the performance and interpretation of magnetic resonance imaging (mri) of the ankle and hindfoot. 2016; Available at: /media/ACR/Files/Practice-Parameters/MR-AnkleHindFoot.pdf. Accessed December 29, 2016.

  2. If citing the entire Practice Parameters and Technical Standards: 
    American College of Radiology. ACR Practice Parameters and Technical Standards. Available at Accessed DATE.