A robotic finger and a human finger touch through a screen, with a point of light emanating from the point of connection

Stay on the Cutting-Edge of Radiology

The state of data science and imaging brings you an inside look at the technology revolutionizing the imaging landscape.

A robotic finger and a human finger touch through a screen, with a point of light emanating from the point of connection

The Future of Imaging Starts Here

Data science and informatics change constantly. There’s never been a better time to push the boundaries of what’s possible.

As an ACR® member, you have the exciting opportunity to get involved with the latest advancements in machine learning. See how artificial intelligence (AI) advancements move radiology forward and work together with our AI developer community to strive for excellence in the next frontier of diagnostic imaging.

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Latest News

  • AI Governance: Plans in Place?

    Implementation of AI governance is imperative for excellent patient care.

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  • State Legislators Introduce AI Bills

    The American College of Radiology® (ACR®) is tracking 20 bills across 12 states addressing artificial intelligence (AI) and more bills are expected to be introduced.

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  • New HHS Strategic Plan For Artificial Intelligence Echoes ACR Recommendations

    The U.S. Department of Health and Human Services (HHS) released a nonbinding roadmap to signal its near- and long-term priorities for artificial intelligence (AI) in healthcare. The plan prioritizes four overarching areas: AI innovation and adoption; trustworthiness and responsible use; democratization and equitable access; and workforce and organizational culture. It echoes various AI policy recommendations of the American College of Radiology® (ACR®) to the federal government over the past decade, and discusses radiology’s leadership in the current healthcare AI market.

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Building a Better Now for Radiologists of Tomorrow

Have you tuned into what’s going on at the Data Science Institute® (DSI)? We’re driving the innovation of tomorrow, and we want you to be an integral part of it all. Gain confidence in the latest technology advancing our field, take part in DSI Use Cases, get access to the dataset directory and more.

  • The ACR Recognized Center for Healthcare-AI (ARCH-AI)

    Learn what it takes for your organization to be recognized for safe and effective AI use in imaging interpretation.

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  • Assess-AI

    The first large-scale quality registry in AI that provides algorithm performance monitoring in clinical practice by capturing real-world data in a clinical setting.

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  • AI Central

    Use the most complete and searchable directory of AI products in the U.S. to make better purchasing decisions.

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  • DSI Use Cases

    Propose, participate in and study use cases to help build the framework for the development and implementation of AI applications in radiology.

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DSI and Informatics

The latest data science and informatics tools, resources and support.

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