AMA Membership Amplifies College's Voice in House of Delegates
The ACR urges members to join or renew their membership in the American Medical Association by 3/15.
Read moreHealth advocates across the biomedical research spectrum welcomed Monica Bertagnolli, MD, the new director of the National Institutes of Health (NIH). The American College of Radiology® (ACR®) participated in the multi-coalition Capitol Hill event where multiple members of Congress spoke about the enduring significance of the research NIH conducts and supports.
Dr. Bertagnolli spoke of streamlining the path from lab to patient. She noted that NIH’s mission will not be complete until all are leading healthier, longer lives. Dr. Bertagnolli became director Nov. 9.
ACR sent a letter of support for Dr. Bertagnolli’s nomination to the Senate Committee on Health, Education, Labor, and Pensions.
For more information, contact Katie Grady, ACR Government Affairs Director.
AMA Membership Amplifies College's Voice in House of Delegates
The ACR urges members to join or renew their membership in the American Medical Association by 3/15.
Read moreNIH Announces Cut to Reimbursement of Research Facilities and Administrative Costs
The NIH announced Feb. 7, it will cut reimbursement of research facilities and administrative costs, often referred to as indirect costs.
Read moreCollege, Other Radiology Groups Provide Code Change Proposals at February CPT Editorial Panel Meeting
ACR representatives recently participated in the February AMA Current Procedure Terminology (CPT®) Editorial Panel meeting.
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