Woojin Kim, MD
ACR DSI Chief Medical OfficerACR, Reston, VAStay on the Cutting Edge of Innovation with the Data Science Institute®
The American College of Radiology Data Science Institute® (DSI) develops the framework for implementing machine learning (ML) in radiology. Tap into DSI’s resources to learn how to maintain quality assurance and confidently master revolutionary technology.

Tomorrow’s Tools Improve Imaging Today
As new technologies emerge to improve imaging, DSI keeps you engaged in the process and updated on all the latest advancements.
ACR® Recognized Center for Healthcare-AI (ARCH-AI)
Setting the guidelines for artificial intelligence (AI) use in imaging interpretation, ARCH-AI is the first national AI quality assurance program to help you recognize and adhere to best practices.
Become an ARCH-AI siteAssess-AI
The first large-scale quality registry in AI that provides algorithm performance monitoring in clinical practice by capturing real-world data in a clinical setting.
Join Assess-AIAI-LAB
Learn about and participate directly in the creation, validation and use of healthcare AI.
See how AI LAB can helpAI Central
Search the most complete and up-to-date directory of commercially available imaging AI products in the U.S. to make better purchasing decisions for your facility.
Explore the directoryDSI Use Cases
Study scenarios where AI improves medical imaging care to learn how tools can be implemented to improve patient care.
View the use cases
DSI collaborates with radiology professionals, industry leaders, government agencies, patients and other stakeholders in developing and implementing AI applications that will help improve patient care.
Our AI Lifecycle includes:
- Defining clinically relevant use cases for the development of AI algorithms in medical imaging, interventional radiology and radiation oncology.
- Establishing a methodology and providing tools and metrics for creating algorithm training, testing and validation data sets around these use cases.
- Developing standardized pathways for implementing AI algorithms in clinical practice.
- Creating opportunities for monitoring the effectiveness of AI algorithms in clinical practice.
- Addressing the regulatory, legal and ethical issues associated with AI in medical imaging, interventional radiology, and radiation oncology.

On a Mission to Drive Innovation
ACR DSI's mission is to:
- Leverage the value of radiology professionals through clinically relevant use case development and clinical workflow integration as AI evolves.
- Ensure patient safety through algorithm validation and by advising government agencies, such as the FDA, to enhance the regulatory approval process in ways that benefit and protect patients.
- Establish industry relationships by defining clinically valuable use cases, working with the FDA and other agencies to develop an effective regulatory process for algorithm approval, and creating pathways to integrate AI models into the clinical workflow.
- Educate radiology professionals and other stakeholders about AI and ACR’s role in data science for the good of our patients.
Meet Our Leadership

Bernardo Bizzo, MD
ACR DSI Associate Chief Science OfficerACR, Reston, VA
Bibb Allen Jr., MD, FACR
ACR DSI Senior Advisor and Diagnostic Radiologist Grandview Medical Center, Birmingham, AL
Keith J. Dreyer, DO, PhD, FACR
ACR DSI Chief Science Officer and Chief Data Science Officer, Massachusetts General Hospital and Brigham and Women’s Hospital, Boston, MA
Christoph Wald, MD, PhD, MBA, FACR
Vice Chair, ACR Board of ChancellorsRochester, MA
Mike Tilkin, MS
ACR Chief Information Officer and Executive Vice PresidentACR, Reston, VA
Laura Coombs, PhD
Vice President, ACR DSI and InformaticsACR, Reston, VA
Chris Treml
ACR DSI Director of OperationsACR, Reston, VAKeep Up With the Latest in DSI
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