American College of Radiology members standing in front of the U.S. Capitol in Washington, DC

Together, We’re Creating the Future of Radiology

Have a say in your profession and your future. Join with about 42,000 members to make your voice heard by regulators, and lawmakers in your statehouse and all the way to Capitol Hill. While you’re hard at work, so is our advocacy. 

American College of Radiology members standing in front of the U.S. Capitol in Washington, DC

The Future of Radiology Depends on YouOur Recent Victories

Reclaimed Medicare reimbursements

for radiologists totaling $1.64 billion, while leading a coalition of more than 100 other provider organizations in protecting you from further payment cuts.

Expanded patient access

to colorectal cancer screening with Medicare coverage of CT colonography.

Worked with chapters in 38 states and Puerto Rico

regarding scope-of practice legislation to ensure patients receive the highest-quality, physician-led care.

Advanced safe and effective innovation

that ensures AI implementation helps radiologists provide better patient care. 

Emphasized the value of ACR Appropriateness Criteria®

and Clinical Decision Support for hospital administrators, healthcare decision makers and other physicians more than 10 million times via social media and advertisements in 2024 alone. This work also protects patients form from unnecessary and costly co-pays, and reduces burnout for radiologists.

Bolstering mammography access

ACR® continues to urge women to start annual breast cancer screening at 40. The U.S. Preventive Services Task Force lowered its biennial screening age to 40 in 2024 and should now recommend yearly screening as urged by ACR. 

Expanded access to Lung Cancer Screening

 to more at-risk patients.

Leading the way in clinical research

Helped secure and protect billions in funding for critical NIH research.

Easing the workforce shortage

Advocated for legislation to increase the number of Medicare supported Graduate Medical Education (GME) positions and address barriers to visa authorization for international medical graduates and secure additional GME slots for radiology.

Successfully appealed to CMS

on 44 National Correct Coding Initiative (NCCI) procedure-to-procedure (PTP) Practitioner edits for vertebroplasty, kyphoplasty and sacroplasty with transforaminal and interlaminar injections. CMS decided to change the Correct Coding Modifier Indicator (CCMI) from “0” to “1”. For a CCMI indicator “1”, it allows the use of an NCCI PTP-associated modifier to bypass the edit if the requirements for use of that modifier are met.

Successfully requested Category I CPT codes

for the following procedures: Transcranial Doppler, MRI-Monitored Transurethral Ultrasound Ablation, Percutaneous Radiofrequency Ablation of Thyroid, MR Examination Safety Procedures, Prostate Biopsy Services, CTA Head and Neck and Category III codes for Percutaneous Ablation Treatment Services. In addition, ACR was successful in requesting the conversion of Category III to Category I for CT Cerebral Perfusion.

Recapturing reimbursements

Presented a total of 22 new or revised codes to the AMA/RUC for valuation. These codes will be implemented in January 2025 and include six new codes for Magnetic Resonance Examination Safety Procedures. These codes capture the extensive work that goes into clearing a patient with an implanted device for a MR scan or procedure, which is currently not being reimbursed.

State Impact by the Numbers


awarded by ACRA® to fight against nonphysician scope expansion


state radiology-related bills tracked


pieces of legislation filed related to Scope of Practice


states and territories where ACR advocacy impacted bills


state level calls-to-action in 2024

ACR Membership


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rainbow bubble

ACR Membership Dues Fuel our Advocacy Efforts

Gain access to an expert team ensuring that radiologists have a seat at the table as policymakers make decisions that impact your practice and your patients.

Empower State Chapters

Together, ACR #radvocates influenced bills in 45 states, the District of Columbia and Puerto Rico on issues that matter to you — ranging from scope of practice expansions to prior authorization challenges and more.

Stronger Together

We partner with grassroots organizations, patient advocacy groups, and other medical societies to amplify your — and your patients’ — voices.

Connect andEngage

A medical imaging scan
A young woman wearing a blue and white polka dot dress shirt smiles as she prepares a job application on her laptop.

Networking with your peers helps you stay current on the challenges facing radiology today.

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Explore ACR advocacy efforts. Make your voice heard.

ACR members and congressional staff talking at a round table in Washington, DC

Radiology Advocacy Network

Join members across the country in making sure our field has a voice at national and local levels.

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ACR members walking in front of the U.S. Capitol building in Washington, DC


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Radiology Economics

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Advocacy in Action

Explore all the news on economic, regulatory and legislative issues impacting radiology today.

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