ACR Designated Comprehensive Breast Imaging Center
Your commitment to the highest standards starts here.
The Highest Level of Quality in Breast Imaging for Your Practice and Patients
When you become an ACR® Designated Comprehensive Breast Imaging Center (CBIC), you accomplish the highest level in breast imaging, illustrating your commitment to patients, providers and payers.
Attract the best radiologists and technologists and let the world know you operate at an elite level.
Become an ACR Designated Comprehensive Breast Imaging Center.

Do You Have What It Takes?
Wondering what the journey looks like to earn your designation? Your facility is eligible to receive the CBIC designation once you’re fully accredited by ACR in all the following modalities:
- Mammography.
- Stereotactic breast biopsy.
- Breast ultrasound, including the ultrasound-guided breast biopsy module.
- MRI in the breast module.
If you offer all four accredited modalities in a single location, we automatically provide the ACR Designated Comprehensive Breast Imaging Center certificate for your facility to promote your achievement.
What if your breast imaging center has affiliated facilities at different physical locations? If these locations together provide all four modalities, complete the Comprehensive Breast Imaging request form to obtain your designation.

Need additional modalities?
Learn more and take action.
Breast Imaging
Resources to help you provide safe, effective quality breast imaging care.
Access resourcesACR BI-RADS® Atlas
5th Edition
Available in a downloadable e-book, hard-copy print edition, or print/e-book bundle.
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