Leadership Development Bootcamp
Promotions are often given without proper leadership training, leaving new leaders to figure out the challenge of establishing credibility and gaining respect on their own. Strong leaders need to participate in formal leadership training programs to gain knowledge, practice new skills, and discover how others have tackled similar challenges. This leadership development program will allow radiologists to do all of that!
This RLI Learning to Lead Bootcamp is geared towards radiologists at all career stages who are new to or early in your leadership role! If you find yourself in a leadership position for the first time, hoping to be promoted to a leadership role, or are currently a leader but still struggling with some of the daily challenges listed below, you will not want to miss this workshop!
This program will help you:
- overcome skepticism of leadership abilities
- balance leadership responsibilities
- manage difficult personalities
- understand the importance of mentoring, sponsoring, and coaching
- interpret financial and budget reports
“As a young leader, the learning curve is steep and can be very daunting. However, we are so fortunate in radiology to have a resource such as this to help develop and refine one’s skill set to ensure long-term leadership success.” Amy Patel, MD
Designed to fit your busy schedule, experts will share their tips and tools through recorded presentations. You will want to watch these prior to the live online bootcamp where you will put some of your new skills into practice. The live webinar will consist of three real-world scenarios/exercises employing new skills and hearing how others tackled the challenge, and an open Q&A session with all faculty members to further understand the best practices for overcoming your specific challenges.
"This is an exceptional opportunity in the ongoing endeavor of leadership development, and is focused on our specific career to provide the valuable insights and practical skills we need." David Mihal, MD